Dream 1
From the journal, February 1, 1989 (estimated date):
I am in New York City, trying to get out of town. The part of the city I am in, all the way down at the Southern tip of Manhattan on the Hudson River side, is entirely covered with what I interpret to be very small, closely spaced tombstones and graves. What I actually see however, are rocks and stones, like a tremendous pile of rubble that has buried its inhabitants underneath. My impression is that I am the only person who survived, and that the others were all killed very suddenly.
I try to be careful as I walk, because I don't want to step on any of the graves and disturb any spirits that might lie there. The effort is impossible though because it seems there is a person buried under almost every square inch of the area I am walking in. I am aware of my impending move to Vermont and am thinking of it when I realize there is a ghost chasing me.
He looks like a skeleton and carries a sword. I assume that I stepped on the wrong grave somewhere and run. But then, no matter where I went, another skeleton pops up. I figure that if I can make it to the New Jersey side of the river I will be safe. Just as I round a corner preparatory to making a dash across the river, another skeleton pops up suddenly and slashes me in half with a flaming sword.
Even after this act of extreme violence, I remain standing, though in a state of extreme confusion. The skeleton then unlocks his jaws and speaks to me in a voice like rusty chains being pulled against each other. "That was your astral body I cut with my sword," he says, "if you ever return to New York, your physical body will die as well, in the same fashion as all the others." The skeleton then glances over to New Jersey and I wake up.
Comment dated 3/3/2005:
In light of the events of 9/11/01, this dream makes a lot of sense. Going back to that time though, this is what happened: First, we had already made plans to move to Vermont at the time of the dream, which I had within weeks of the move. Second, the dream was deeply terrifying. When we realized we couldn't afford to stay in Vermont and had to move back to the NYC area, we moved to New Jersey instead of Manhattan. I didn't want to set foot in the city because of the dream, but gradually got over it. Thirdly, at the time of the dream I lived on Reade street, only a couple blocks from the World Trade Center, in a building that was considered part of the disaster zone. That building (probably) survived, but more important is the fact that living there meant I had business in the neighborhood ranging from getting groceries to seeing clients at the trade center.
Although not recorded in the entry quoted above, I distinctly recall the hearing the fading echo of a jet’s engines in the air.
Dream 2
From the journal, April 3, 1990
I am in New Jersey getting gas when I think it was very lucky that I decided to live in New Jersey instead of Manhattan because some kind of disaster had demolished it. I fondly remember my Reade Street loft in Tribeca and again think of how lucky I am because the loft was destroyed. I think of my New York City skeleton dream [where I was warned to move or die] and realize that the dream was related to the later destruction in the city.
Comment dated 3/26/2005:
I will note here that while I do not know the current status of the Reade Street loft, it was in the disaster zone after the collapse of the World trade Center in 2001. I think the building is most likely still standing, but all traffic to it and access to the building itself was forbidden for some time after the September 11 attacks because of its proximity to ground zero. I probably would have survived the attack if I had been in the building at the time, but if I'd been out buying groceries, or talking to an art director at the World Trade Center, or any one of a number of different things that brought me south a block or two, I could have easily been affected by the disaster.
Dream 3
From the journal, May 17, 1990:
A massive flood in Manhattan. The power is still on shortly after another disaster that is like an earthquake. The word "earthquake" is used, but like this, "It was like an earthquake - so those were explosions?"
> I witness most of the action in this dream from the perspective of a small group of ragged persons who I at first thought were bad guys because I felt like I was being held captive. Now that I think of it, none of these people seem to be aware of my presence, so I'm not a hostage at all. The room feels like a disaster relief command center. I think it is midtown on the West side.
They are all discussing the same thing, a disaster that recently happened in Manhattan, which I assumed to be an earthquake at the time based on the type of damage. The problem is, people in the dream said it wasn't an earthquake, that it was caused by bad people, explosions were involved, and there were captives or hostages somewhere. None of this made any sense to me, so I stuck to the idea that it was an earthquake.
At the time of the meeting, I am aware of the following having already happened: 1) A disaster like an earthquake, 2) Disaster status extended to the city, 3) Friends and relatives pour into the city to try and get their loved ones out if they can be found.
The members of the meeting seem to think something has gone terribly wrong and are trying to figure out what to do about it when I interject, "You mean it wasn't an earthquake? So those were explosions? It sure seemed like an earthquake to me, that's amazing how you were able to create that effect, how did you do it?" They don't answer, so I am left to my confused ruminations.
Next, I am on the street outside at the site of the disaster, which is well below forty-second street. Many buildings are only partially intact on the lower floors [see illus.] There is a tremendous amount of wreckage all over from falling buildings, crushed cars, and just about anything else you can think of. Street lights aren't working, only a few cars are in working order, the roads appear to be buckled and are cluttered with debris.
I am near two men who discuss an engineering problem related to the disaster [see illus.] Many of the neighboring shops are damaged and I can see frightened people clustered inside them. Many of the city's residents are now buried under some former skyscrapers. I don't see any intact windows near me, all having been shattered in the disaster. While the two men talk, the older one is suddenly alarmed and yells to other one a warning of a massive wave full of water and debris coming from the West.
Very quickly all of the people who had been milling about started running East, away from the wave, which was truly huge [see illus.] I hear many shouts of "Run! Run!" When the two men reach the corner, they see another wave coming up that street from the South. They had to run twice as fast now to get ahead of that wave before it cuts off their escape. The waves collide in the intersection, quelling some of their force, but not enough to prevent them from advancing further up the city's streets.
Many people and debris were caught up in the waves. I assume that at least some of the people were killed or injured by this devastating force, but am paying more attention to the people who survived than to the bodies I sense lying broken in the streets.
Most of the people I saw seemed cold and are shivering, so I assume it is winter. I don't see any vapor breath, ice, or snow, nor are the people dressed for cold weather, but it still seems like winter for some reason.
The images from this dream are clear and strong and resemble my skeleton dream from 1989, where a disaster occurs in the Trinity Church section of Manhattan. I believe the two are related.
Comments, dated 9/11/2001:
"A day of infamy". Two commercial jets are purposely flown into New York's World Trade Center by terrorists. Within ninety minutes, both buildings have collapsed. Over the next few days, many surrounding buildings collapse and up to a hundred others are determined to be unstable.
There is one item from the dream journal entry above that is inconsistent with the attack, and a few items that are misleading but not inconsistent.
In my journal I clearly describe "a flood". The description of this "flood" and the drawings of it resemble closely my impressions of the debris cloud racing down the streets as each of the two towers collapsed. It looked like a tidal wave, exactly my impression in the dream. In the dream, I was aware that others around me referred to the disaster as having been "caused" and that "explosions" were involved. I simply did not believe that the destruction I witnessed in lower Manhattan could have been caused by bombs and so I decided it had to have been the result of an earthquake. I was careful to note that this was my surmise based on what I saw and that this opinion clearly conflicted with what I overheard from others within the dream.
In all, I think that absent any knowledge of the planes, my confusion makes sense. The rubble strewn streets in lower Manhattan are far more reminiscent of earthquake damage that what I would expect from explosions simply because it is so total. As for the explosions, each plane did explode on impact and have been described in the media as "flying bombs". In addition, the collapse of the buildings was the result of fires resulting from the explosion and not from the impact of the planes. I did run across an online reference to the impacts as being the equivalent of a 2.0 earthquake as measured on the Richter scale. As for the sensation that "hostages" and a [crime] was involved, this is certainly true of the hijack and intentional destruction of the buildings. I can easily see the impression of "winter" being derived from the sight of ash filling the air and covering people nearby.
Note that in the journal, as with the previous dream, I made a written reference to the Skeletom Dream, thus linking them together.
Dream 4
From the journal, June 4, 1990:
[This dream had a very long description of things that are irrelevant to this post. I include only the pertinent parts here]
A friend of Kreskin's tells me he will be attending a Kreskin concert shortly. He asks whether a padded six by nine inch envelope can be used even though it has the wrong address printed on it. He wants me to interpret a dream that has a lot of destruction in it, as if from an earthquake. He insists I tell him as much as possible about the dream, even though I've already said a great deal. It is a dream of mine, though offhand I'm not sure which one it is. He really spends a lot of time on this, trying to get as much information out of me as possible. Finally I feel myself drifting away, unable to remain in his presence. He tries to get me to stay, and in fact seemed very concerned about the amount of time I had to spend with him before I started to withdraw, as if he knew I wouldn't stay long. This man seemed very wide awake and aware of me while I am there, though I'm not sure now if he is a friend of Kreskin's or Kreskin himself. I think he's inviting me to his concert as an "astral attendee" so that I can be there almost as a ghost.
[I am still thinking about his request for more detail about the other dream when the scene switches]
>A slot machine at a casino in Atlantic City. I see the "9" and "11" billiard balls among some others resting on a sloped surface. They roll off and land on the floor.
This dream has its weak points but it does include the following 3 items:
A reference to a recent dream with a lot of destruction that resembled earthquake damage. At the time, that could have only referred to the 5/17/1990 dream
A request that I provide more information regarding the previously mentioned dream is followed by:
A strong image of 2 billiard balls bearing the numbers “9” and “11”, in that order.
The billiard ball portion of the dream took place in Atlantic City, where Kreskin frequently performs.
Premonition, 8/26/2001
Comment dated 9/11/2001:
Slightly over two weeks ago, I visited Legoland in Carlsbad, California. The park features a large series of recreations of American landmarks, including famous buildings from New York City. Oddly, their NYC display did not have a representation of the World Trade Center buildings. At the time I had an uncanny sense that the dream from May 17th, 1990 was about to occur. It also reminded me of a dream from September 4, 1990 and yet another (unrecorded) dream from approximately 1989. I mentioned this to my wife and daughter at the time and promised to look the dreams up in my journal when we got home. Instead, I busied myself with other tasks, but always with a sense of unease due to the strong feeling of deja vu I had when visiting Legoland.
Together, these 5 experiences provide information related to the 9/11 disaster. The second and third dream and the premonition explicitly reference either the first or second dreams and the fourth dream does a good job of describing the third dream. For those reasons, and because there are no other dreams that do this in the thousands contained in my journals, I am comfortable treating these as related.
Collectively, they predict (among other things):
A disaster in New York City
The disaster occurs in the southern tip of Manhattan Island, with a view of the Hudson River
The “disaster” is actually 2 disasters of a similar type, one followed by another shortly thereafter
Multiple occupied skyscrapers are felled
Trinity Church, within the disaster zone, survives intact
The disaster is caused by “bad men”, it is not natural
The damage resembles earthquake damage but is not caused by an earthquake
An event that resembles a “tidal wave of debris and water” folloows the initial disaster
People in the area appear ragged. Some shelter in nearby shops
An influx of people enter the city to search for loved ones
Something about the scene is reminiscent of winter but the people wear summer clothing
There are “hostages” or “captives” involved
There is the echo of a jet’s engines in the air
My former apartment on Reade Street is near the disaster
All of these line items are correct for the 9/11 disaster in New York City.