Yes, please share more. Thank you.

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I read this dream a while ago.

In relation to recent events, my Aunt shared a perhaps insensitive joke with me about it.

The joke was basically a pun (can't remember the detail) which essentially culminates in "Donald .... DUCK!!!"

I find it an interesting and funny link to your dream with Scrooge MacDuck, Disney, Shots, open plaza and Donald literally Ducking for his life.

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Your dreams are as elaborate as life itself. I am amazed at how well you write their descriptions to convey the scenes. And, on top of all of that, we have your wonderful illustrations. Thank you!

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I think they are fantasy illustrations, like this one, where trump is presented as slim when in reality he has to disguise his obesity with overly large suits.

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Really enjoy reading about your dreams, especially the Trump ones. Keep them coming, thank you for sharing with us.

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